Tuesday 29 May 2012

Dyeing for June

Having struggled with my website blog, I have returned to Blogger!  Hopefully it will look a little more professional, and I may get a few more hits.

So what's new!!??  It's only 2010 since the last post....(doesn't time fly?!)   I won't bore you with the last two years, but this is what I am up to right now!!  And I have to say, for those of you who don't know me,  my work, or haven't seen me/it for a while, over the past year, my work has developed at a fast rate of knots!

Well it's that time of year again - it's all go, preparing for a busy time ahead. June has to be my busiest month.

You will be proud of me.....I have been very busy (with the help of the lovely Pat, Woodend's friendly handiman!) sprucing up my studio. It has been properly de-fluffed!, painted and beautified, in anticipation of lots of visitors. Hopefully it will still look clean and tidy by the time they get here...?! I'll try my best.

Firstly, Jubilee Weekend, I will be revisiting Louth Embroiderer's group to deliver a demonstration and Nuno felt workshop. Louth is such a beautiful and unique town, and the people so friendly, I can't wait to go back.

Then it is North Yorkshire Open Studios on 9th/ 10th &16th/17th June. This is your opportunity to see my new felt pictures, pebbles (with a difference), and woven scarves, and of course I will have my usual SALE Bucket, full of greatly reduced priced scarves. And why not kill two (three) birds with one stone and visit jeweller Samantha Birch and Painter Sally Gaitie while you are here at Woodend, and/or visit many of the other amazing artists in North Yorkshire.
'Dragonfly' felt picture
'Upstream' Woven picture

'Fossil' woven scarf
Followed closely by Woolfest  on 22nd &23rd June. Dyeing, creating, and generally getting orgainised for a woolly weekend. Why not visit for a great day out in Cockermouth. I Can't wait. I will be trekking up there with my good friend Jan Bee Brown, and hopefully meeting up with fellow feltmakers, Jenny Pepper and Jacky Lunn.

Dyeing fibres and fabrics for Woolfest

Oh - and the steamer is working! An on going saga - but you will be pleased to know, it is now up and running and fully functional - yehey!!! So watch this space....
Hope to see you soon!

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